Jun 15, 2023Liked by Akil Vicks

"The justice system is a weapon by nature. It’s a tool whose main purpose is to inflict harm on those who have broken the law..." Woof, so whoever "holds" those institutions "holds the weapon". that's not how the justice system OUGHT to work (perhaps it does) and it's certainly not how other institutions OUGHT to work. I almost want to say that government officials and employees shouldn't have the right to vote because they're implicitly biased.

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"The eyes are useless when the heart is “blind”. History seems to be blind when it comes to treating minorities and other nationalities with kindness and respect... The idea of giving law enforcement an entire area of land near the very people mistreated and forgotten should be embarrassing to lawmakers worldwide... It further demonstrates the lack of concern for those individuals not able to fight big corporations and dark money to live a better life... Cowardly intimidation of anyone because of the color of their skin is scary... How many people do we have to bury before America wakes up? Education is the only way to stop ignorance from contributing to minorities' demise... Wake up America, before it's too late!!

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