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Nov 23, 2021Liked by Akil Vicks

In a world where the primary context for our lives is defined by the ego, it’s a justifiable fear. If all we have to guide us are our personal egoic needs and wants, then we’re in a kind of zero-sum game with everyone else’s egoic needs and wants. So if we suppress our own egoic drives, we’ll end up getting pushed around by others. Our behavior will be driven primarily by the needs and wants of those around us. Black people have always survived by doing what they need to do for themselves and their families by working extra hard to make ends meet where there doesn't seem to be a clear-cut way out I believe what we forgot was the hard work it takes to get there... and many white people feel threatened that giving blacks and minorities a leg up on education and politics only puts them in an unenviable position, crt frightens them because it shows what has happened in the past was horrific towards a group of people that could do them no harm... Having a way to control those less fortunate and dismiss their needs over theirs is looked at as the only way out... Fear that what goes around comes back to bite them in the butt... This has no basis because those that seek to suppress actual history have already been taught about the past... My belief is that they don't want their children to see read and hear what was done in the past to affect their children's future... Denial is a dangerous game to play... SOLIDARITY FOREVER!!

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